Goulburn Murray Resilience Strategy
The Goulburn Murray Resilience Strategy, first prepared in 2020, has recently been updated to reflect new challenges and other emerging factors in the region.
In working towards a more resilient Goulburn Murray region, the Strategy Update remains focussed on the eight resilience principles and five intervention streams that were identified in the 2020 strategy.
The custodian of the Resilience Strategy is the Goulburn Murray Resilience Taskforce, which consists of community, business and government agency representatives.
The Taskforce is charged with understanding and making sense of a dynamic environment and advocating across government, business and community for resilience-building actions.

Farming Resilient Futures
The Farming Resilient Futures study has been prepared by Deakin University and RMCG, working with the Goulburn Murray Resilience Taskforce, to understand what global and local changes may mean for the Goulburn Murray region.
The report and short video linked below involved modelling for three scenarios for the Goulburn Murray region in 2050:
- Future 1: Trends Continue
- Future 2: Big Global Change
- Future 3: Global and Local Transformation
To learn more about this study, watch this short video:

Links to other Goulburn Murray Resilience Taskforce supported reports and projects:
- Broken Reconfiguration Feasibility Study, DEECA: Broken Reconfiguration Feasibility Study (water.vic.gov.au)
- Driving a Circular Economy in the Goulburn Murray Report and Flyer, Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority 2023: Catchment Community and Economy – GB CMA – Goulburn Broken CMA
- GoGreen Case Study Goulburn Murray Resilience Taskforce: Case: Goulburn Murray Resilience Taskforce – GOGREEN (gogreen-project.com)
- Loddon Mallee Strategic Reports: Reports | Invest Loddon Mallee